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Opening a Terminal


Eleventy runs in a Terminal application. If you’re not familiar with Terminal applications, they’re used to run typed commands (and programs) on your computer. A Terminal application is mostly synonymous with terms like Command Line Interface (CLI) or shell prompt.

Here’s how to open a Terminal in various operating systems:

macOS Jump to heading

macOS includes an application called Terminal which can be used to run Eleventy. Depending on your version of macOS, it likely lives in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal. It may also be called if your operating system is configured to show file extensions.

Windows Jump to heading

Depending on your version of Windows, it may include the Terminal application (aka Windows PowerShell, preferred), or the Command Prompt (also known as cmd.exe, not preferred), or both.

For the best terminal experience, we recommend installing PowerShell Core on your Windows machine, a newer and more future-compatible terminal application (also newly cross-platform!).

Linux Jump to heading

Depending on your flavor of Linux, it may be called Terminal, Shell, Gnome Terminal, Konsole, or XTerm.

Editors Jump to heading

Some code editors bundle a terminal for you!

More resources Jump to heading

Other pages in Getting Started: